While inquiring about our list of accepted goods, someone suggested it would be helpful to know the items which are not needed at OGT and are not among goods we receive.
Much as we are deeply appreciative of material donations brought to us, the following are items not classified as "humanitarian" and thus are not among materials we accept.Anything with an expiration date
Appliances or kitchenware
Computers, printers
Decorative items
Fabric under 1 yard
Furniture – household
Games needing English language skills
Holiday decorations
Household items
Perfume and make up
Toys with batteries
Undergarments unless new
Vacuum cleaners
Thank you for thinking of Orphan Grain Train–Michigan and your generous offer. We always are reluctant to decline any offer because we know people give from their hearts. However, the goods listed above are beyond our ordinary limitations which are restricted to what are basic “humanitarian“ goods (clothing, bedding, medical and orthopedic devices such as walkers and wheelchairs, etc.) Some basic sports equipment and bicycles are considered humanitarian, but many other things are not.
The items listed here must be respectfully declined.
This is helpful! Thank you.