Monday, August 19, 2024

OGT Shipment Summary - 2023-2024

2023-24 Shipment Summary across all of Orphan Grain Train
Orphan Grain Train’s Fiscal Year was June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. 

  • 278 full shipments (40 or 53 ft. containers) of donated relief supplies and food shipped within the United States and internationally.
  • 173 – 53 ft. full semi-loads distributed to domestic locations.
  • 105 - 40 ft. shipping containers to 20 different countries overseas.
  • More than $42.2 million worth of donated humanitarian aid, food and disaster relief assistance distributed. 
  • Total of 122,994.85 volunteer hours given with a value of $1,475,938.20 if paid $12/hour.
  • More than 9 million Mercy Meals, Kids Against Hunger, Harvest Pack, Manna Pack, Food for Kidz & Love the Hungry meals shipped worldwide.
  • 27 regional OGT locations from California to Connecticut collecting and distributing food and reusable goods worldwide all in the name of Jesus.


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