Saturday, August 18, 2018

Visiting the Orphan Grain Train International Headquarters in Norfolk, Nebraska

Linda Abraham, seated second from right; Sal Brandenburg, back row far left, and Dave Reed, seated left, had the greatest visit to Norfolk, Nebraska, and the international headquarters of Orphan Grain Train, August 7-9. The others here constitute a great staff who hosted our team wonderfully and gave us as much information and orientation as they could.  Pastor Ray Wilke, founder of Orphan Grain Train is standing next to Sal, and the others are all such great people. We were absolutely inspired by the love and energy devoted to this superb humanitarian network.

Two of the volunteers working the warehouse

Stockpiles of humanitarian goods await eventual shipment domestically or internationally as need may require.
Sorting room volunteers processing, sorting, and in some cases repairing clothing into dozens of categories.

Sal and Linda with Dave and Pastor Wilke, president of Orphan Grain Train, and Grant Schmidt, Vice-president of Operations.